Initial 1 hour consultation by telephone, Zoom or in-person with Principal (Angela Cox)
Legal advice on a complex legal issue and/or legal representation in a NDIS or guardianship matter. A costs estimate and proposed work plan, with a draft costs agreement, will be emailed to you for consideration within 2 business days of our initial consultation.
My pro bono work is strictly limited to a small number of clients of the Saint Vincent de Paul Chapter in the Port Melbourne area, and on referral from members of the Chapter.
I am unable to provide free legal advice or services to people with disability, their family members, friends, support workers or support coordinators.
If you require free legal or advocacy services, please make enquiries with:
Note, the above services may have wait lists and eligibility criteria.
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Level 30, 35 Collins Street (Collins Place), Melbourne, VIC, 3000, Australia